Surajkund travel guide, places of interest, accommodation and how to reach

This article is a travel guide to Surajkund. Read on to know the highlights of this place as a tourist spot, the reason for hype of Surajkund mela, options available for accommodation, how to reach Surajkund and other tourist highlights of this place

Surajkund literally means 'Pool of the sun' is one of the best and oldest tourist spots in Haryana. History books say that this area was built by Suraj Pal of Tomar dynasty. The kund actually looks like quite similar to a Roman amphitheatre with circular steps that pave in the stone which holds the serene blue water of the pool. Nearby the pond are located now dilapidated Sun temple and Anangpal fort which will give you a feeling of the rich history of the region.

Surajkund holds the honour of hosting the country's biggest art and craft festival during the two weeks of February from 1-15th. Artists and craftsmen from all over the country as well some from abroad come to display their talents and rich culture. You will see the richness of colors and design of the handmade goods made by their village folks which otherwise would have cost a bomb in local shops. The mela is not only about shopping but is also used to show the cultural richness of a region by songs, dances, plays and colorful dresses from different regions. You can choose to taste various dishes from each part of the country at different region stalls.

Access/ how to reach Surajkund

By air- Nearest airport is Indira Gandhi airport in New Delhi
By railways- Nearest railway station is Old Faridabad railway station
By car- After reaching Faridabad you will need take a three wheeler or a bus or else you can hire a private vehicle to take you to Surajkund.
Surajkund is located at a distance of 16 km from Delhi on the Delhi-Agra highway.

Accommodation at Surajkund
Hotel are available with offers for both centrally air conditioned suites and luxury rooms as well as some hotels also offer twin-bedded camper huts for tourists looking for small budget.


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