National Seminar on Technology, Communication & Culture by Department of Communication Studies / UOP

The Department of Communication Studies (DCS) University of Pune is organizing a national seminar on technology, communication and culture. Here you will get details like venue and date of TCC-2012, TCC-2012 Registration form and fees, TCC-2012 Registration process, TCC-2012 papers and important dates, how to contact TCC-2012 and many more.

A national seminar on technology, communication and culture by the Department of Communication Studies (DCS) University of Pune will be held from 8-10th March 2012 at the conference hall, Department of Communication Studies, University of Pune, Pune-07. The Department of Communication Studies (DCS) in Pune University was established in the year 1990. The courses offered by DCS in Pune University include Ph.D in communication studies and M.Sc in communication studies. TCC-2012 by DCS will be useful for persons in teaching field of computer science, research scholars, mass communication, electronic media and PG students. TCC 2012(technology, communication and culture) details are given below.

TCC-2012 registration Fees

•Academicians / industry: Rs 1000
•Research scholars & PG students: Rs 500
During the seminar, this registration fees will be covering the cost of delegate's kit & tea/lunch/coffee. Another point is that this registration fees can be payable by DD that is drawn in favor of "The registrar, University of Pune".

How to register for TCC-2012?

Interested candidates who wish to participate in TCC-2012 should download the application form from the link and must sent along with DD to Department of Communication Studies(DCS), University of Pune, Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007

National seminar TCC-2012: Call for papers

For the national seminar TCC-2012, papers based on discursive analysis or empirical studies and focusing on any of the following themes are invited
•Technology and economies
•Freedom of expression
•New narratives on internet
•Virtual games and gaming culture
•SNS and new socialization / political movements
•Technology and art-forms
•Politics of search engines
•Mediated cultures
•Designing for the web
•Culture as commodity
•Advertising, marketing and branding in digital era
•Role of public service media in the digital age
•Mobile mannerism
•The concept of prime time, planning as well as development of programs
•New paradigms of state control or self-regulation
•Globalization of media and digitization of media content
•Distribution and consumption of news as well as information in the digital age
•Developments in digital TV production / technology / distribution techniques
•Media /technology and construction of gender as well as class
•Normal as well as abnormal and bizarre on new media platforms
•Popular and new media
•Convergence of media
•3D, HD: New virtual visual culture
•Education, technology and new pedagogy of learning
•YouTube as well as visualization of experiences

I think most of you may be interested to know the details regarding writing of a paper. The format of the full paper for TCC-2012 should include the following points
•The length of the abstract must be between 200-300 words. If possible you can also provide a brief introduction of the author / co-author
•The title of the paper must be Arial 14 bold caps. After one space, you can write affiliation, author and email in font 11 italics. Then leave on space and abstract title in 12 bold and then Arial 11 italics.
•In the main text paper, the titles must be in Arial 12 bold caps and text should be in Arial 11.
•The subheadings must be Arial 11 bold italics
•Tables and figures: When writing a table, title should be in top but for figures, title must be in bottom
•While writing references, remember that it should be cited in text in brackets.

TCC 2012 University of Pune / Important Dates

•TCC 2012 seminar date: 8th March 2012-10th March 2012
•Date for submitting abstract of paper in soft copy by email: 30 January 2012
•Date of intimation of acceptance by email: 2 February 2012
•Last date for sending registration fees by DD: 27 February 2012
•Date for submitting full length paper by email: 27 February 2012

Contact TCC 2012

•For submitting papers, use [email protected]
•Contact office: 020-25696348 / 49
•Dr Madhavi Reddy(Head of Department): [email protected]
•Nr Vishram Dhole(Seminar coordinator): [email protected]


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