What to take with you while travelling

Many times we forget many things when travelling and then we regret. This is to highlight the most important things to take while travelling

Firstly always while travelling, make a check list of things that you need to take with you for a purpose. Whether it is a business, function, trip, educational tour etc.
The key role is packing
The basics include
1. Its better to have a separate pouch or bag having handy items required for toileting purposes. This is must.
2. The right attire that we might need to wear (depends according to the place, culture, weather, occasion etc). Its always suggestible that better to take an extra pair always.
3. Atm cards. Never put money in just one bag. Be careful that you have a certain share of amount more than sufficient always with you.
4. Laptops, mobiles, ipods, cds, pendrives and valuables must be packed with great care and its advisable to have locks for them.
5. Food items must be handy and better if packed in zip pouches. Always carry newspapers, paper plates and plastic glasses in a separate handy bag.
6. Bedsheets and other resources if required
7. Last but not the least important documents such as etickets, passports, business portfolios etc. Its better if you take a copy of xeroxes also.
MOST importantly when you return check that you take back everything back with you as written in your checklist, so that you do not miss out things in hurry and get disappointed later


Guest Author: T VENKATA SAI RAM24 Dec 2010

Thanks for the info. It can be helpful to me as im leaving to chennai tomorrow.

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