The way of study in medical entrance examinations

Study in not like that we just sit and start grasping the things blindly without any thought process.Studies should be worth a smart study in order to crack the competitive examinations especially pre medical and more worth out of them is in rajasthan.

Study for competitive exams are a little bit vary from the way we use to study at the level of class 12th or in some degree courses.
In competitive examinations we have to put forward our 100%effort in order to get through a good medical college.

How to study

Make a time table is the basic thing which many of us heard but rather then this it is more important that we follow that time table.

1. Study all three subjects that is physics, chemistry and biology daily.
2. Give extra time to your weak subjects.
3. Make a habit to solve mcq daily and on a regular basis
4. Revise the topic every after 5 days and make mcq before revising so that you will find the drawback of yourself. Solve again the mcq which you fail before revising the topic and make them correct after revising the topic.
5. Mark the hard and important mcq. ( I use to mark the lines of ncert book and my mcq book as "a question in exam 2009" )
6. Read only worth books and limited smart study is better then to put effort in many and result in nothing.
7. In exam time just revise what you studied earlier and relax to be satisfied with that.

Books to be studied for pre medical examination in Rajasthan

Biology ncert
Physics ncert
Chemistry ncert
Biology mcq from Dinesh objective
Physics and chemistry mcq from any objective book
Biology detail book like Trumens.
Our institute notes
And your own notes

We not have to just sit and start making notes rather then this they should be framed during our study and include all those things which we understand and wants to be in our hand after the closure of the book also.


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