The Ignorance of The Mumbai Media

The Media business in Mumbai has always been interested in news that will attract more number of views irrespective of the fact that that particular news item is genuinely good and important. The Media should have a human touch which benefits the society as a whole and does not talk about gossip and unimportant matters which does not concern the citizens of Mumbai as a whole.

The Mumbai Media has always centered its objective and ideals towards the maximization of its viewership levels and ratings according to the number of audiences it can attract towards its news items.Every second news item concerns itself around the unimportant film gossip and ignores the lives of the Mumbai citizens who may be having some common problem but are remained unheard due to the lack of proper media attention.

Proper direction of the media in Mumbai needs to be undertaken in order to attract the attention of proper authorities in regard to the problems faced by the common Mumbai citizens on a mutual level.

Maybe it may be a problem to curb the attention of film gossip and publicity,but efforts can always be taken to bring required attention towards mutual problems faced by the citizens of Mumbai by established NGO's and other Human Rights/Environment Authorities pushing the Media and other Publishing Agencies.

No doubt continuous efforts are being taken by NGO's and other Organizations towards the problems such as water and power struggle among the citizens of Mumbai,but these news items should be displayed at the forefront of the Media headlines instead of the filmy gossip which do not change the society of Mumbai.


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