Surya Pahar Temple of Assam

In this article you can get almost all the online information of Surya Pahar Temple of Assam. This is one of the famous temple in Assam. Read the full article to know more things about the Surya Pahar Temple of Assam.

About Surya Pahar Temple of Assam

Surya Pahar Temple of AssamSurya Pahar Temple is one of the famous temple in Assam. This temple is situated about 12 kms from the Goalpara town of Assam and about 137 kms from the Capital of Assam Guwahati. Actually many Assamese people don't know about this Surya Pahar Temple. The word Pahar means hills. This temple is situated at the center of the hills, so the name of this temple is like this. It is believed that Vyasa engraved the 99999 Shiva Lingas here to build this place as a second Kashi. But it is not clear till now how many Shiva Lingas are here but till now about hundred Shiva Lingas are found from small sized to large sized. So this place is known as one of the Holy Place of Assam. Fe w years ago some Shiva Lingas and Some houses are found by unearthing at Surya Pahar by some archaeologists. The designs of these houses are brilliant and made of Bricks. Some peoples of Assam also told that before many years ago this Surya Pahar was not like now. They tols that it was the Pragjyotisha Kingdom of the king Kumar Bhaskara Varman. This Surya PAhar is nearer to the famous river of Assam Brahmaputra river. So it is believed that this place was administration center in the past.

There is also a confused thing about the Surya Pahar is : It is not clear till now that from which religious this Surya Pahar Temple belongs to. Because the clues indicates it is in the religious of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.Surya Pahar Temple of Assam1

As the name of the place is Surya Pahar then the word Surya means the Sun God who is a god of Hindu. So it seems that this temple belongs to Hinduism.

From the caves of the Temple The Jain thought this Surya Temple belongs to Jainism.

But still this place is under excavation and many new things comes out. To know the latest information about the Surya Pahar Temple of Assam then keep in touch with us on

You can also see some other temples of assam.


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