Government B Tech Engineering college in HP

Here we are discussing the lists of engineering colleges which are situated in the state. In the state there are total 3 engineering colleges were present in the Hamirpur and Mandi district.

Government b tech engineering colleges in Himachal Pradesh

In the Himachal Pradesh state there is only few engineering colleges are present. In the state there are total 3 government engineering colleges which offered b tech regular courses very year. Here in this article we are talking about the details information regarding the colleges, courses offered by them and how to takes admission in these colleges. We have discussed briefly all the points in the below article which you can read from there and ask anything regarding the article at any time by commenting in the below article.

List of colleges
As we have already that in the state there is only three government engineering colleges are situated in the different district in which JN Government Engineering College, Sundarnagar and IIT institutes were situated in the Mandi district and NIT College is situated in the Hamirpur district.

IIT Mandi

Indian Institute of Technology which is situated in the Mandi district was established in the year 2010 and was developed by the HRD ministry in association with state government and was one of the fines engineering colleges situated in the state which offered different four year regular engineering courses. In this college the infrastructure, laboratory and other facility are so well designed and equipped with modern instrument. You can take directly admission in this college, firstly you have too the qualified the written examination conducted by the Central Board of Examination known as JEE Main every year for the candidates who have passed or appearing in the senior secondary examination in the Non-Medical streams from any recognized board and after the qualification of the main examination you also have to qualify the JEE Advance examination on the basis of marks obtained in this exams candidates are selected for the different IITs colleges including this one.

NIT Hamirpur

It is also one of the best engineering colleges situated in the state after IIT. This college was situated in the Hamirpur district and was one of the oldest engineering college in the state, it offer different courses like engineering in Computer Science, Electronics and Communication and Mechanical Engineering etc. the admission mode is some but similar but here you have to only qualify the JEE Main examination and once you got good marks in this test then you have to fill the online counseling form and you will get the admission in this college in any of the streams present.

JN Engineering College

It was the state oldest college situated in the Mandi district and offered engineering in the Mechanical, Civil, Computer and Science and Textile Engineering. If you want to take admission in this college then firstly you have to give the JEE Main examination and after that you have to fill the counseling from which will be available at all the polytechnic or ITI college across the state and counseling will be held n the Hamirpur and at the time of counseling you have to show your original certificate along with the mark sheet of the JEE Main examination.

So if you are reading in the +1 or +2 examination and want to select in one of the finest engineering college in the state then there are the some of the best government colleges in the state which offered regular engineering courses in the different streams. The candidates who have fill the JEE Main examination in the December last year can also fill the counseling form in the month of May, to be selected in the JN Engineering.


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