Trip to Naagni Temple situated in Kangra district, HP

Here we are discussing about the history of Naagni temple situated in the Kangra district and how you can reach this temple. You can read the article for more information regarding this temple.

Trip to Naagni Temple situated in Kangra district, HP

Naagni temple is one of the famous temple of the Kangra district as well as also state and every year so many peoples visited this temples across the different parts of the country. This temple is situated in the Nurpur region which is about 20 km from the Kangra. Here in this article we are talking about the brief history of this temple, nearby places for wondering and how to visit this temple without any tourist guide.

History of Naagni Temple
Naagni Temple was built up in the beginning of the 19th century but older temple was initially built in the 18th century. As the name suggest that it is a temple of Naag Devata means God of Snake. When you will visit this temple than you will see there is an idol of Naagni Mata is situated in the main temple and in front of that a small Naag will be situated and which is covered with red clothes. In front of main temple there is a big tree is situated around which so many red clothes are bounded and different temple's equipment. Lots of peoples visit this place and bound the red clothes on the tree and make wished to the God and when their wishes will be full fill they again visited the temple and donate money to the trust of temple. On the right side of the temple there is a small river where you can wash your hand or feet before going to the main temple. In front of main temple there is a big ground where in the summer season Jagran will be held and lots of peoples came to the temple.

Nearby places for wondering
This temple is situated in the Nurpur which is about 20 Km from the Kangra. This temple is about 5 km from the Nurpur and you can easily reach this place by bus. There are so many nearby places for the wondering line you can visit the Nurpur Fort which is about 10 km from the main temple and about 3 km from the Nurpur. You can also visit the Kangra, Dharamshala and Maclorganj which is not far from this place.

How to reach
This temple is situated about 4 km from the Nurpur and you can easily reach this temple by bus as well taxi. There are lots of buses are available from the different parts of the state to the Kangra and from Kangra it is about 20 KM. you can also reach the Kangra by aero plane as well as train. Mostly this place is hot except in winter season, but when you visit in the summer season then wear low clothes.


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