Rishikesh (A holy place)

Rishikesh is a holy place which has many interesting facts behind its origin. The place has got lofty Himalayan ranges from where one can have adventurous activities like trekking and rafting. It also offers you to visit the temples to make yourself relieved to the materialistic thoughts.

Rishikesh (A holy place)

A legend says, Ram once came to this place to do penance for killing Ravana, the Lanka's king on the advice of Vasishtha. This place is famously known as "place of sagas" situated at a distance of 24 kilometers upstream from another great place, Haridwar. Here, temples like Lahkhsmana temple, Shatrughan temple and Bharata Pushkar temple are affording spiritual solace to pilgrims.

The place got this name as their used to be a God named as Hrishikesh came over with the penances of Rabhiya Rishi and thus this place got the name. This is the place from where Char Dham pilgrimage starts and this place is the best for meditation, yoga and other things.

Not only this, this place is best for all the adventurous people; they can start their trekking to the lofty Himalayas and surely for rafting too. For all the people across the globe, this place offers participation to International Yoga week held every year in February on the banks of river Ganga. Henceforth, this is a great place to visit.


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