The Problem of Women in Urban India..

Problems for working women, problems related to their family, children,work environment etc..

The Problems of women in India

Life in cities is quite hectic. City life has many needs that are quite different from those of the village. It only follows that the life of women in the cities is quite different from that in the villages. And more so if the women is employed somewhere.

In the city, things are very expensive, and so it makes sense for a women to work, to supplement the family income. However, the catch is that although she goes to work, she has also to see to the family chores in the home. The husband hardly, if ever, lends a helping hand. Also the care of the children is left entirely up to the women. This becomes an additional burden. The family may hire a servent to see to simple jobs like washing and cleaning, but the major brunt of the housework is brone by the women.

Another problem that women face is harassment in the office. This may come from colleagues who think that women are not capable of doing jobs well or who nthink that women are mere objects of pleasure. Travel to the workplace for the women is also no easy task. It involves waiting in long queues for buses and sometimes, even eve teasing.

Women have to wake up early in the morning in order to prepare the breakfast and to see to the children getting ready to go to school. Sometimes they also have to prepare the lunch tiffin for the children and their husband. In the evening, after returning from work they have to see to the preparation of dinner and the children's homework. Their burdens become doublefold living in the city.

Unless husband and children are understanding, and ready to take on some of the chores of the home, life for a working women in the city is no bed of roses.


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