Checking Aadhar card status online & track Delivery Status by SMS

Now UIDcard/Aadhar card status and track unique Identification card delivery status known through net.How to check the status through SMS on your mobile. Read the article to know more about the topic.

How to check Aadhar card status and track Aadhaar Card Delivery Status through online

Aadhar status can be done on the offical site using your Number and date.Everyone got unique number when he/she register for Aadhar card.It takes nearly 60-90 days to get unique identification from the date of your enrollment for Aadhar card.

People who applied for Aadhar card often ask question that where can i check status/track of unique Aadhar card ID.Your Aadhar Card is delivered to you by Post delivery. You have to visit UIDAI website and see the status of your Aadhar Card. You have to know enrollment Number and date to check/track your status of your card.

How to know/check Aadhaar Status through SMS on Mobile

Its Make very easy if you have mobile phone,you can check status of your card through SMS. So, even if you can't check your Aadhar card status online, you can use of mobile to check Aadhaar Status through SMS .You have to send an sms from your registered mobile number to get status of your Card and they will reply with your Aadhar card status.
For checking Aadhar card status through sms, you must know Aadhar enrollment number. use your register mobile number for sending the SMS. If your Unique Identification number has been generated, you will receive your UID number as reply. Follow these steps for receiving Aadhaar Status through SMS on Mobile

UID STATUS <14 Digit enrolment number>
and send it to 51969

More articles: Aadhar Card


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