History of Bengal: Sen Dynasty

Sen Dynasty ruled Bengal for 100 years.

Sen Dynasty was a renowned dynasty who ruled Bengal in 11th century. After Pal Dynasty, Sen dynasty started to rule Bengal. They were originally from South India's Karnataka region. Hemanta Sen who had been one of the minister of Pal dynasty during Rampal constituted Sen Dynasty and ruled Bengal from 1095 A.D. In 1158 A.D. after the death Bijoy Sen, Ballal Sen Euled Bengal. It his during his reign, that Caste Syatem or "Kaulinya Pratha" was started. In1178 A.D. Laxman Sen came to the throne. It was said that Bakthiyar Khilji of Turkey Dynasty attacked Bengal with 18 horsemen during the reign of Laxman Sen which forced Laxman to flee away. There was confusion regarding this incident. Bakhtiyar Khilji probably attacked Bengal in 1204 A.D. Laxman Sen spent later part of his life in Nabadwip. After his death, his two sons Bishwoorup Sen and Keshab Sen ruled bengal and they were the last ruler of Sen Dynasty.


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