XAMPP installation guide

XAMPP provides all components required for PHP programming. Here is an easy step by step installation guide for XAMPP.

PHP is a HTML embedded scripting language. it is used for server side programming. As software programmers know that installing php in our local system is difficult.

we have to follow several rules to install
APACHE server,
MYSQL dbms and
ftp etc

to install these three we have to follow several instructions and after following those instructions you may succeed in installing or you may not because you can do any mistake in following those instructions. so it became very complicated for php programmers and then introduced a software called XAMPP.

XAMPP is a software package of including
APACHE Server,

If we download and install that software in our system the above mentioned all will installed in our system without facing any problems
whatever the platform may be just go for XAMPP if you are a php programmer
xampp is very easy and user understandable manner so that you can easily survive your problem.

go to below attached link to get XAMPP Software



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