Benefits of Eating Fish During pregnancy

This is the information of Benefits of Eating Fish During pregnancy,Nutritive value of Prawn,Nutritive value of fish,protein malnutrition problem in pragnancy, protein malnutrition problem in kids,Benifits of Omega3faty acid presentin fish etc.

Healthy Diet for pregnant Ladies

During pregnancy the women should take a balanced diet, a balanced diet is the one which should contain 14% protein, 64% Carbohydrate, 21% Lipids, 1% minerals and vitamin A diet, which is mostly composed of rice, wheat, vegetables and fruits.

Fishes are rich sources of protein, minerals, and vitamins which are considered as very important to get a healthy body. Especially the above nutrients present in fish are must for pregnant ladies.

Benefits of Eating Fish During pregnancy

The deficiency of protein cause malnutrition and affects the growth of the baby. Proteins are essential for building up new cells and tissues and also for carry out various biochemical reactions in the body.

Omega3faty acid present in fish helps in the brain growth of baby during pregnancy.
Adding more fish in the daily diet of a pregnant women, the problem of protein deficiency is rectified, the minerals and vitamin – A, present in fish can cure the problem of Xerophthalmia disease in pregnant women.

Nutritive value of fish

(100gms )
Protein – 19.3
Carbohydrate – 0
Lipids – 11.1
Water – 66
Kcl – 182

Nutritive value of Prawn

(100gms )
Protein –26.8
Carbohydrate – 0
Lipids – 1.4
Water – 66.2
Kcl – 127

Naturally presence of adequate of protein (14%) is indeed a must in the diet of pregnant women. Therefore, food when supplemented with fishes gets itself enriched with protein and this in turn helps to combat protein malnutrition problem in kids.


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