Cheese Rice rounds with Chocolate recipe

You must have tried the simple cheese balls recipe. This is something exotic which I tried making at home and it turned out to be very good. Children would love this recipe as it contains lot of chocolate and coconut. Also, it is very easy to make and is cooked within half an hour.

You must have tried the simple cheese balls recipe. This is something exotic which I tried making at home and it turned out to be very good. Children would love this recipe as it contains lot of chocolate and coconut. Also, it is very easy to make and is cooked within half an hour. Here is the ingredients and method to make this recipe. Hope the readers like it.


1. 1 cup grated cheese
2. ½ cup boiled rice
3. 1 table spoon corn flour
4. 1 chocolate bar
5. ½ cup bread crumbs
6. desiccated coconut
7. Oil for frying


1. Mix grated cheese with rice and corn flour.
2. Cut the chocolate bar into small cubes or grate them.
3. Take the cheese and rice mixture and prepare its balls of the size of a lemon.
4. Put the chocolate cube/some grated chocolate inside this ball.
5. Wrap the cheese ball with breadcrumbs and fry till it turns golden brown.

Serving and Garnishing:
Wrap the cheese balls in desiccated coconut and serve.

Try yourself and serve it to the children. They will surely like it.


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