Life throws remote chances in various cases
In different spheres of life, people come across situations which never confirm their ultimate result unless it reaches its end. In such conditions, various possibilities are termed remote chances. Life is full of ups and downs, and no one can assure the outcome, especially in academic examinations, sporting contests, competitive tests, and even creative contests, and not to be ignored the health condition of critically ill patients.Uncertainty is part and parcel of any competition and even life-threatening situations, not just due to fatal disease, but war, natural calamity, and violent protest all throw a challenge to the people to determine their line of action. One can take action, but what would be the outcome remains a matter of concern. The sure shot result is usually a distant dream, but when one gets what one has wished for, make the moment to cherish. Alas! It's not true in every case, especially when patients fail to recover, players finally lose, and students who finally do not succeed and thus, remote chance results in the heartbreak of the concerned person. Thus, remote changes can result in happy or unhappy moments in people's lives.
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Feb Topic Based Contest 'Remote'