Everything you need to know about the mind-body relationship

This article explains how the mind and body are connected. When physical health deteriorates, mental health gets affected. Likewise, the body does not display its best health when the mind is not functioning healthily.


We all have heard that a healthy mind leads to a healthy body and that a healthy body stimulates a healthy mind. Ever wondered can these two aspects live independently without one another? Can a person who is mentally disturbed all the time harbour good physical health? Does a physically weak person show immense mental power and focus? This article explains that physical and psychological health are closely related. Both these aspects are intertwined and more closely connected than we can ever imagine.

Definition of being healthy in a broader perspective

Since our focus is outwards, we tend to look outside most of the time rather than having an inward look. If asked to describe a healthy individual, most of us will define the physical aspects of health. To the majority of us, a person who is physically fit, fine and free of diseases and disorders is healthy. We tend to forget that health is not just about the physical aspect. Human health is comprised of physical health and mental health. A person who is physically and mentally strong and free from illnesses can be termed a healthy individual.

Relation between mind-body

What we consume, we become that. If we feed healthy stuff to our bodies, our physical wellness thrives. If we exercise it regularly, the body becomes flexible, fit and well-toned. If the body is fed unhealthy foods and not exercised or worked periodically, it becomes prone to various diseases. It turns far from being defined as healthy and becomes weak and lethargic. Likewise, the information we provide to the brain directly affects our mental health. The output will be positive thoughts if it is fed good positive news. If negativity is the food, the result will be anxiety and stress. Since mind and body are closely related, the foods we consume not only exert an effect on physical health but also have an impact on mental well-being. Also, the kind of information our mind takes in, the thoughts it creates, and the feelings and emotions it experiences have a much more significant impact on our physical health than we can ever imagine.

Effect of the mind on physical health

Have you ever come across a person who is mentally ill but physically fit or vice versa, such as a person who is mentally sound but physically weak? It isn't possible. That is why we don't get to see such individuals. A person suffering from mental illnesses has to suffer with their physical well-being too. In short, our body is aware of everything and consequently reacts to how we act, feel or think. It means that our thoughts, feelings and emotions do not go unnoticed. The body senses everything and shows its effect on physical health. Day-to-day stress, anxiety, and frustration build up and metabolizes in the body in the form of diseases.

Several articles by Midss, including https://www.midss.org/coupon/betterhelp-promo-codes suggest that negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, hate, and judgment affect the mind, manifest outward in the form of behaviour and make room in the body as illnesses. Too many anxious thoughts and fearful emotions can cause headaches and lead to sleepless nights. These emotions can also manifest in the body in the form of persistent headaches and migraine. Too much stress drains the mind but also induces fatigue in the body. Every time a person displays anger, their blood pressure fluctuates. Every time a person creates stress within himself, his blood sugar level fluctuates. Feelings and emotions directly impact everything in the physical body may it be the release of hormones from the glands or circulation of blood in the body. On the other hand, those who are happy and contented all the time and emote the same and keep stress and anxiety at bay enjoy good physical health.

Effect of the body on mental health

When physical health is blooming, a person cannot remain mentally weak and unfit. When the body is free of diseases, illnesses and disorders, the mind enjoys health too. If the body is free from lethargy and runs high on energy, a person does not experience tiredness mentally. When the body is active and flexible, the mind appreciates the broader aspects of life. Narrow thinking and sticking to the old patterns of belief systems learnt from society or earlier in life but are in no way helping are quickly given up. It happens when the mind learns to adapt and grow by seeing the bigger picture. Various hormones secreted from different glands in distinct areas also influence the mind. For example, cortisol is known as the happy hormone. When it is secreted in the right amount, the mind creates happy and positive thoughts. When its amount decreases in the body, it negatively impacts the mind and causes stress.

A person who constantly runs low on energy and experiences fatigue cannot devote himself to performing physical or mental work. Physical fatigue causes a lack of attention and focus. Stomach-related troubles such as acidity, gastric problems and constipation can irritate a person. These are simple disorders that can bring down mental health. Severe physical illnesses such as AIDS and cancer that affect physical health drastically can also bring down mental health by turning the table upside down. When physical health deteriorates, a person becomes mentally weak and vulnerable. Too much stress and anxiety induced in day-to-day life related to fighting with the disease and then coming to terms with the long-run treatment takes a toll on mental health.

What causes mind-body disconnect?

Why do most of us suffer from disconnect when mind and body are interrelated? It is because of a lack of awareness. We need to take time out and heal by going inwards. We need to understand how we are feeling. The root cause of our feelings and emotions needs to be addressed. Certain things that we do are because there are deep-rooted beliefs behind them. These beliefs themselves make us create thoughts. If our feelings are unpleasant, we need to check why we think the way we think. What belief system is creating such thoughts and feelings? When we remain happy all the time and heal our past wounds, our mental health will be at its best. Similarly, we should strengthen our bodies by eating healthily and following a healthy lifestyle. Having a good amount of sleep, waking at the same time every day, eating in the right amount at the proper intervals, and devoting time to physical exercises help us achieve good physical health.

How to achieve connection?

Disconnecting does not mean that mind and body are no more related. It just means that a perfect balance between them is disrupted, and consequently, a person has shifted from being healthy to unhealthy. The aim is to bring back total health. For that, a perfect balance has to be struck between mind and body. This can be done by addressing the issue seriously. We need to follow a mindful lifestyle. When we continue living unaware, that is when problems sprout. We need to go back to living mindfully and remain aware of everything that is going on in our physical world as well as our mental world.

Me time is the best way to enjoy what amuses us. It can be hiking, gardening, singing, dancing, cooking or painting. It is not just a time to do what we like. These activities help us unburden what we have burdened ourselves with. It is a time to heal and recharge. Meditating is another good way to get rid of anxiety and stress. Address the issues that bother us when we meditate. Apart from that, eating healthy portions, including foods from all the food groups and eating them at the right time helps us gain healthy calories essential for the functioning of the mind and body. Exercising and physical work helps us keep our bodies in good shape. The key is to keep the mind and body both flexible. The aim is to free the mind and body from stress. When we achieve success at that, a mind-body connection happens.


Most of us are unaware that physical and mental health depends on one another and that one cannot survive or thrive in another's absence. We must strike a perfect balance between them. The disconnect happens when we concentrate on one aspect more than the other. We can keep exercising, eating healthily and keeping our bodies in the best physical form. It will serve us no good if mental health is neglected. We cannot afford to be unaware of our feelings and emotions. Likewise, if we only go inwards and try to heal what disturbs us but are not eating healthy or living a good lifestyle, we will never achieve good health. The physical body is a vessel that is necessary to run numerous functions. Neglecting it will not do any good to us. We can only achieve good health when neither of the two aspects is neglected. With proper care of our physical and mental health, we will establish a perfect mind-body relationship and enjoy good overall health and well-being.


Author: Umesh Chandra Bhatt24 Feb 2023 Member Level: Gold   Points : 4

This is a very interesting article giving an exhaustive overview and relationship between mental and physical health. The human brain and the rest of the body are connected with each other with biological and biochemical material. Brain is the master of the body and the whole feeling of life as well as actions are coordinated from the brain. We call it mind also. Because of the biological connections it is obvious that perturbations and disturbances in one will affect the other.

It is difficult to explain the exact nature of connection of mind with the body and mutual influences but it is sure that they will be affecting each other in positive or negative ways, whatever the case maybe, at that instant of time. In view of above it is necessary that we should try to keep our mind in a calm and stable state. Circumstances and situations will, from time to time, bring difficulties and challenges but we have to keep in mind that we should avoid stress and tensions in our lives to lead a happy life where physical fitness also matters much. People who have a balance between their thinking processes and physical activities generally have a fulfilling experience of living.

Author: Dr N V Srinivasa Rao25 Feb 2023 Member Level: Gold   Points : 5

Physical ill health can be cured by taking medicines. It may take a few days to get completely cured. But if there is a problem with your mind and thinking process, getting it cured by medicines is a very difficult proposition. This problem in your mind may cause problems to a body. We see some people who are not having any health problems but not happy. Such people are not mentally happy, we can assume.
Removing negative thoughts from our mind and concentrating more on the positives will make our mind well balance and that will give physical health also. Think positively, practice yoga or meditate for sometime daily may give you a balanced health in all aspects. One should concentrate the positives of the outcome so that we will remain happy which will give both mental as well as physical health.

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